Work - Part 5

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

1 Think of us as servants of Christ who have been given the work of explaining God's mysterious ways.
2 And since our first duty is to be faithful to the one we work for,

Greetings fellow believer in the Mighty Name of Jesus today’s lesson will continue to focus on “Work”. In the lesson “Work - Part 1” we focused on “work” being God’s idea and God’s Will for all mankind. It is said that it is so much God’s idea that we will continue our “work” in heaven that we started upon the earth. In the lesson “Work – Part 2” we looked at God blessing all different types of work whether you consider yourself blue collar, pink collar or white collar worker. God equally blesses working with your hands while at the same time you are working with your mind also, we think while we “work” about our jobs and other workers. In the lesson “Work – Part 3” we taught on not trying to land the God ordained perfect job first because if you’re like most others it will take years for you to work in the perfect job God created you for. Remember patience is a godly virtue so be patient for your perfect job. In the lesson “Work – Part 4” we explained the “housewife” or “house woman” if unmarried is an ordained job from God. We attempted to dispel the notion that working in the house is easy because in reality no fruitful work is easy and it is especially more challenging when you need to work in all three realms; spirit, soul and body. In this lesson “Work – Part 5” we will speak about “faithfulness” in relationship to “work”. First, we (ihlcc) believe that “faithfulness” must be looked at in at least three realms with those realms being spiritual, mental and physical. “Spiritual faithfulness” is what we do unto God and by God’s Grace. “Spiritual faithfulness” would require keeping a good heart in all that we do. Colossians 3:17 KJV reminds us, “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” This scripture does say that whatever we do we can do it in Jesus Name which basically means that we do it unto God. Thus, it is very possible to include godly thoughts in our “work” performance all day long. Yes, in some cases singing and making melody in your heart unto The Lord. This is good because when we think on good things are mind stays positive and it keeps us from getting down (mentally fatigued) during the day. Keeping an uplifted heart keeps you from getting a down trodden body (physically exhausted). This is not saying that you need to witness all day on your job, nor you are reading your Holy Bible while you are working. No, it is instead recommending you to look inwardly for God’s help and support. Sometimes this help is a bright idea to help you do your job better, at other times God’s support is actual physical strength to perform at a high productive level all during the day. This is why we stated on all three levels because thinking right by having your mind renewed according to God’s Word is first, then you must mentally speak good things (words) to others. You need to grow to a place in Christ Jesus where you can appreciate Ecclesiastes 3:7b . . . “a time to keep silence, and a time to speak”. Please notice that a time to keep silence came first because you should always think before you speak. There will always be certain cases where staying silence is the best positive remedy for your conversation with a peer who is asking you a direct question. Many people can speak freely but only the wise of the room are developed in keeping their tongue. Showing a good attitude while you are working and being approachable with a friendly smile is all a part of “mental faithfulness” that should be displayed and encouraged. The “faithful worker” must show others by example how to be a “happy worker” in both good times and the midst of troubling news. This leads right into “physical faithfulness” because it is said, “Your attitude will determine your altitude of success!” This common phrase does have some merit because where we start inwardly spiritually is also where we finish outwardly physically. In other words, if you desire to be a “smart worker” and you have that specific desire in your heart you will study to be smart (sharp, bright, intelligent) on the job and you will most certainly reach that level one day given training (experience), diligence (hard work) and patience (time). Now with all that being said the key is can I do this all the time and be there long enough to achieve an approved status from my peers? The reason we say among your peers is because a “faithful worker” will appeal to both leadership and co-workers. Yes, being “faithful” means that you “work hard” when no one else is looking. The “faithful worker” is there every day - day end and day out. They don’t seek to do the bare minimum but they seek to do what is right because they are conscientious and thorough team players. They like to finish what they think could be done in a good day’s work even if that specific day runs a little longer. We are not saying “Get ‘er done” at all cost, no we are saying the “faithful worker” plans their work and finished their plan every day. The “faithful worker” doesn’t bad mouth the boss, nor does he/she fault find with other co-workers because that would sow seeds of discord and strife which is contrary to God’s Word. Yes, the “faithful worker” knows their reputation is more important than gossip so they purpose to be respectful to all those around them. This is why, those who are around them feel a sense of peace and security. The “faithful worker” is business minded with a personal touch, so some workers have no hesitations to approach them with a personal concern. The “faithful worker” will give them an encouraging word of support after they consider what God’s Word states about the matter and of course not on “work time” but rather during break or lunch time. This way they stay in harmony with both God (their overseer) and man (their physical boss). In summation we applaud the “faithful worker” for doing God’s Will concerning “work” and we echo the thought that it is required to be “faithful” for all “good workers”, not just a suggestion from ihlcc. Amen!